Hello and welcome to Ali’s Animals Answers! Please use the navigation bar to browse the site, and read some posts.


This website offers basic pet advice,  hints and tips for the benefit of both pet and owner.  The Posts page offers posts with pet advice and animal related information on many different topics, for a wide range of animals. Ali’s Animal Answers is a site for those who want to learn a little more about their pets, and those with a keen interest in animals (like myself). There are categories listed with posts, from different species topics to question responses, to help you navigate through the posts and find the relevant post for you. Questions can be asked on the contact page or via any of our social media accounts (links to all can be found at the end of all posts); questions can be answered privately or through a website post, written specifically to help you with your query! If you have any thoughts or comments about a post, you can post it in the “thoughts” box underneath each post.


Being passionate about animals and their welfare, I thought it was a good topic for a blog; a great way to offer advice to people about their pets and answer any questions about animals (within my ability)! My hope is that this site provides help and information, and is a way for me to share animal knowledge to others. Writing posts for Ali’s Answers also helps me keep up-to-date with current animal issues, and to refresh my mind with regard to animal training, health, welfare, and other animal-related topics I studied at college and university. I hope that all Ali’s Animal Answers readers enjoy the posts, as much as I enjoy writing them!


For anyone who enjoys my website and is feeling generous enough to support me, you can donate to the running of this website here: [wpedon id=5139]

Happy Reading!

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Cape Town, South Africa